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Create a lookup table by querying the ONS OpenGeography API


  within_level = NULL,
  within_names = NULL,
  within_codes = NULL,
  lookup_year = NULL,
  within_year = NULL,
  opts = boundr_options()



character. Lower level area code eg "lsoa", "wd", "lad".


character. Higher level area code eg "lad", "cty", "icb". (That is, higher (conceptually) than lookup_level; aka larger than lookup!). If not supplied, this uses the default NULL, and just data for lookup_level will be returned. In this case, within_names and within_codes (if supplied) will instead be taken to refer to, and used to filter at, the lookup_level level.

within_names, within_codes

character. In order to restrict data returned to a specific area, either within_names or within_codes must be provided. Otherwise all available boundaries at that level will be retrieved. Use place names eg "Essex" to restrict to a certain geographical area. Or use ONS area codes eg "W02000103" likewise (this is useful with wards, where there are many that share identical names). To use this argument to filter within_level, the within_level must be specified! Otherwise {boundr} will apply them to lookup_level instead. See examples. Vectors of multiple names or multiple codes can be supplied. If you supply both within_names and within_codes, only within_names will be used; (within_codes will be ignored).


numeric or character. A specific year for data relating to lookup_level, if you need it. Defaults to NULL, which then aims to return data for the most recent year available. Provide as YYYY.


numeric or character. A specific year for data relating to within_level, if you need it. Defaults to NULL, which then aims to return data for the most recent year available. Provide as YYYY.


Should be set with the boundr_options() function. See ?boundr_options for detail on what can be set by the user, and on the default values.


A tibble


lookup("msoa", "lad", "Swindon")
#> # A tibble: 27 × 5
#>    msoa21cd  msoa21nm    msoa21hclnm                    lad24cd   lad24nm
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <chr>                          <chr>     <chr>  
#>  1 E02003230 Swindon 019 Central South & Eastcott       E06000030 Swindon
#>  2 E02003221 Swindon 010 Gorse Hill                     E06000030 Swindon
#>  3 E02003231 Swindon 020 Park North & Park South        E06000030 Swindon
#>  4 E02003229 Swindon 018 Freshbrook North & Grange Park E06000030 Swindon
#>  5 E02003233 Swindon 022 Freshbrook South & Toothill    E06000030 Swindon
#>  6 E02003223 Swindon 012 Rodbourne & Cheney Manor       E06000030 Swindon
#>  7 E02003235 Swindon 024 Lawn & East Wichel             E06000030 Swindon
#>  8 E02003232 Swindon 021 Kingshill & Okus               E06000030 Swindon
#>  9 E02006847 Swindon 026 Mouldon Hill & Oakhurst        E06000030 Swindon
#> 10 E02003218 Swindon 007 Pinehurst                      E06000030 Swindon
#> # ℹ 17 more rows
lookup("wd", "sener", opts = opts(return_width = "full"))
#> # A tibble: 764 × 9
#>    wd23cd    wd23nm wd23nmw ua23cd ua23nm ua23nmw sener23cd sener23nm sener23nmw
#>    <chr>     <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     
#>  1 W05001492 Aethwy Aethwy  W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  2 W05001493 Bodow… Bodowyr W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  3 W05001494 Bro A… Bro Ab… W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  4 W05001495 Bro'r… Bro'r … W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  5 W05001496 Canol… Canolb… W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  6 W05001497 Cefni  Cefni   W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  7 W05001498 Crigy… Crigyll W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  8 W05001499 Lligwy Lligwy  W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#>  9 W05001500 Parc … Parc a… W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#> 10 W05001501 Seiri… Seiriol W0600… Isle … Ynys M… W10000001 North Wa… Gogledd C…
#> # ℹ 754 more rows